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Training for Micro and Small Organisations - Getting Started

Ever wondered how to transform your project or activity ideas into reality? Learn how to convince potential funders that your idea is not only feasible but will also make a significant positive impact on your members or service users.

Join our comprehensive training sessions that guide you through the essential aspects of project planning and development, including:

·        Setting clear aims and objectives

·        Demonstrating achievements and impact

Specially designed for micro and small organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000, this training involves:

·        Working in small groups

·        Planning and developing a project based on a provided case study

Commitment to the three-session series is essential to gain the full benefits:

    • Registration for all three sessions start at 10:00AM , Session Time 10:30 AM -13:30PM

    • Venue : Voluntary Action Islington 

Session 1 Getting Started : Tuesday , March 4th, 2025

  • Introduction to project planning and development.

  • Making the case for the project, showing why it is needed and how it meets the organisations’ aims and purpose.

  • Practical planning: what resources will you need to get the project started and keep it going (example people, money, accommodation, equipment etc).

Session 2 Keeping Track : Tuesday March 11th, 2025 

  • Setting SMART objectives

  • Keeping track of the money (basic budgeting)

  • Managing risks

Session 3 Making a difference: Tuesday March 18th ,2025

  •  What difference will the project make to those who take part (and how will it make that difference)?

  • How can you demonstrate and communicate that to funders and others who might be interested?

  • A beginners guide to inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact – evaluating your project without getting lost in the jargon!

18 March

Market Road Community Gardening

18 March

Warm Space - Arachne Women's Support