
Let's Talk: Housing Options

Let’s Talk Peer Event

Thursday 20 February, 10.30am to 1.30pm

NEW central venue for 2025: Islington Council (Community Space), 222 Upper Street, N1 1XR

Request a place at the next Age UK Islington's *Let's Talk* event! This monthly forum is a great opportunity to stay informed, share your thoughts, and connect with others. Enjoy a relaxed, social atmosphere with plenty of time for discussion. We’d love to hear your views!

This month, you can get an insight into the housing options in Islington, how the points system works and housing options out of the borough. Find out how to get support if you experience anti-social behaviour.

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Drugs & Young People: Session 2

Session 2: Substance use and child criminal exploitation

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to learn more about the link between substance use and child criminal exploitation.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Mindfulness Course

Free 6-week Mindfulness Course - Saturdays 1:30pm - 3:45pm

Start the new year with our rejuvenating in-person mindfulness course. Learn and practice helpful mindfulness techniques in a supportive friendly group, to promote relaxation and wellbeing. Run by Katy from SLT.

6-week course 

Saturdays, 1:30pm - 3:45pm

Starts Saturday 18th Jan, ends Saturday 22nd Feb

Location: The Mildmay Community Centre, Newington Green, N16 8NA

Contact info@slt.org.uk to find out more and book your place now.

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Free Bid Writing Workshop

Get Grants is offering a FREE Bid Writing Workshop for our partners and the organisations in their networks!

Everyone is welcome to join. Please share the event link with your own networks!


In this friendly 90-minute session, you will have the chance to:

  • Get an introduction to what Bid Writing is all about.

  • Explore what Grant Applications Look like

  • Consider the importance of Needs and Outcomes

  • Pick up lots of Top Tips to improve your Bid Writing

  • Build your confidence and be inspired!

As with all Get Grants events, there will be an opportunity to come together with like-minded people and share successes, experiences, and support with our UK-wide community of fundraisers.

These sessions are suitable for fundraisers with all levels of experience and not-for-profit organisations of all shapes and sizes.

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Meet the Funder: Tesco Stronger Starts

Tuesday 25th February 2025, 1pm – 2pm

Tesco Stronger Starts funding provides charities, community organisations, schools and local good causes with grants of up to £1,500. 

Every three months, three causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores throughout the UK. The funding aims to make a positive difference to local communities with priority given to causes that help children and young people.  Come along for an opportunity to ask questions about the relaunch of this grant scheme, including the application process.

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Maximise Culture's Impact: Explore the Joint Cultural Needs Assessment Approach

Join us for an interactive webinar on the updated Joint Cultural Needs Assessment Guidelines (JCNA) from Arts Council England and the Local Government Association. Discover how the seven-step Joint Cultural Needs Assessment can help align cultural strategies with local priorities to address urgent place-based needs.

What’s on offer?

  • Expert Panels: Insights from cultural leaders and local government on delivering successful JCNAs.

  • Interactive Breakouts: Explore how the JCNA approach can drive impact in your place and partnerships.

By the end of the session, you'll take away practical tools to champion culture’s role in community transformation.

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Workshop for Carers: Navigating Challenging Behaviour

This workshop offers valuable insights, emotional support, and practical tools to help carers feel more confident in their caregiving roles.

The workshops are run by Lucia Garrat and Susan Betts from the NHS.

*Week 1:*The Impacts of Stroke and Dementia  

Explore how these conditions affect individuals and families, with a focus on the emotional, physical, and practical challenges carers may face.

*Week 2: (6th March) *Strategies for Managing Behaviour and Understanding Your Rights  

Learn effective approaches for managing challenging behaviour and gain insight into the support and entitlements available to you as a carer.

How to book

Open to anyone (18yrs+) who looks after a partner, friend or family member who lives in Islington.

Please contact Islington Carers Hub on 020 7281 3319 (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm) or email:​info@islingtoncarershub.org

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The Anti-Book Club

Have you always wanted to join a book club but don’t have time to read the books?

Or do you need inspiration for your reading list?

Or are you dying to talk about your latest read with fellow book folk?

Come on down to the Anti-Book Club!

At the Anti-Book Club, there is no designated book of the month. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a book they recently finished - regardless of whether they liked, loved, or loathed it - and tell the rest of us what this book does (or doesn’t do) for you.

We are open to all kinds of books - audio, electronic, old school. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a book, as long as it is book-adjacent. And you don’t have to bring the physical thing, just be willing to share something about it.

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Training for Micro and Small Organisations - Getting Started

Ever wondered how to transform your project or activity ideas into reality? Learn how to convince potential funders that your idea is not only feasible but will also make a significant positive impact on your members or service users.

Join our comprehensive training sessions that guide you through the essential aspects of project planning and development, including:

·        Setting clear aims and objectives

·        Demonstrating achievements and impact

Specially designed for micro and small organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000, this training involves:

·        Working in small groups

·        Planning and developing a project based on a provided case study

Commitment to the three-session series is essential to gain the full benefits:

    • Registration for all three sessions start at 10:00AM , Session Time 10:30 AM -13:30PM

    • Venue : Voluntary Action Islington 

Session 1 Getting Started : Tuesday , March 4th, 2025

  • Introduction to project planning and development.

  • Making the case for the project, showing why it is needed and how it meets the organisations’ aims and purpose.

  • Practical planning: what resources will you need to get the project started and keep it going (example people, money, accommodation, equipment etc).

Session 2 Keeping Track : Tuesday March 11th, 2025 

  • Setting SMART objectives

  • Keeping track of the money (basic budgeting)

  • Managing risks

Session 3 Making a difference: Tuesday March 18th ,2025

  •  What difference will the project make to those who take part (and how will it make that difference)?

  • How can you demonstrate and communicate that to funders and others who might be interested?

  • A beginners guide to inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact – evaluating your project without getting lost in the jargon!

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Understanding Self Harm - Children and Young People Webinar

This webinar will provide participants with an understanding of contributing factors, triggers, functions and signs of self-harm in children and young people. It will also introduce a framework for holding a conversation with a child or young person who self-harms.

Suitable for: Anyone working or volunteering with children and young people if they are currently or likely to be at risk of self-injury.

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Introduction to Individual Giving Workshop

 Tuesday 4th March 2025, 1pm – 2pm

This FREE 1 hour workshop examines practical solutions and ideas for growing your charity’s income through support from individual donors, giving a fantastic introduction to our full course whilst also providing really useful hints and tips as a stand-alone session.  As a bonus, all attendees will be entered into a draw  to win one of two places on the full course!!

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Funding Toolkit Workshop

Online workshop on the Funding Toolkit, a free resource designed to empower organisations in their search for funding opportunities. 

Islington Funding Toolkit is a fully searchable database of local, regional, national and international funding opportunities for VCS organisations. Once registered to use the funding toolkit , you can receive funding bulletins to stay informed about the latest opportunities. 

The toolkit , funded by Islington Council, is a vital resource designed to support voluntary and community groups in overcoming financial challenges and accessing critical funding sources.

 In this free session, you will  learn how to:
• Registering for the toolkit
• How to navigate through the site
• How to search for funding
• How to browse for funding
• About the new updates

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Workshop for Carers: Navigating Challenging Behaviour

This workshop offers valuable insights, emotional support, and practical tools to help carers feel more confident in their caregiving roles.

The workshops are run by Lucia Garrat and Susan Betts from the NHS.

*Week 1: (27th February) *The Impacts of Stroke and Dementia  

Explore how these conditions affect individuals and families, with a focus on the emotional, physical, and practical challenges carers may face.

*Week 2: *Strategies for Managing Behaviour and Understanding Your Rights  

Learn effective approaches for managing challenging behaviour and gain insight into the support and entitlements available to you as a carer.

How to book

Open to anyone (18yrs+) who looks after a partner, friend or family member who lives in Islington.

Please contact Islington Carers Hub on 020 7281 3319 (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm) or email:​info@islingtoncarershub.org

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Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

Islington Town Hall, Upper Street London N1 2UD

Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

  • Understand more about the risk of overdose and how to spot the signs

  • Cover what to do in the event of an overdose, or if you suspect an overdose

  • Learn about naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal medication, and when to use it

  • Learn and practice how to use naloxone

This session will be in person and is limited in space. If this session is full please contact drugalcohol_training@islington.gov.uk to enquire about future sessions or arrange a session for your team.

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Food Aid Providers Community of Practice

Join the Food Aid Providers Community of Practice, an opportunity to come together to discuss your provision, where there are successes and challenges, and learn from each other while thinking collectively about what a Food&More model would look like in Islington.

What is a CoP?

In all Communities of Practice (CoP) all members are seen as learners and teachers. A CoP provides an ideal environment for adults keen to learn and develop both personally and professionally, from one-another. CoP’s provide one of the best learning environments for adults who want to bring their life experiences to learning, who want to make connections between what they already know and the new things they are learning, want control over their learning experience, and what to apply their learning to their personal lives and/or work environment. 

Who is the CoP for? 

Anyone involved in managing, coordinating, running or volunteering in a facility offering emergency/crisis food aid. 

CoP Themes 

The Community of Practice will begin with two sessions focusing upon Purpose and Community Building, followed by sessions focusing upon producing a ‘Charter for Food+ Provision’ and by sharing effective practice, a ‘Food&More Standards of Practice Framework’ will be created. 


Thursday 3rd October, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 7th November, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 5th December, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 9th January 2025, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th February, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th March, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 3rd April, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 1st May, 14.00 - 15.30 

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Training for Micro and Small Organisations - Getting Started

Ever wondered how to transform your project or activity ideas into reality? Learn how to convince potential funders that your idea is not only feasible but will also make a significant positive impact on your members or service users.

Join our comprehensive training sessions that guide you through the essential aspects of project planning and development, including:

·        Setting clear aims and objectives

·        Demonstrating achievements and impact

Specially designed for micro and small organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000, this training involves:

·        Working in small groups

·        Planning and developing a project based on a provided case study

Commitment to the three-session series is essential to gain the full benefits:

    • Registration for all three sessions start at 10:00AM , Session Time 10:30 AM -13:30PM

    • Venue : Voluntary Action Islington 

Session 1 Getting Started : Tuesday , March 4th, 2025

  • Introduction to project planning and development.

  • Making the case for the project, showing why it is needed and how it meets the organisations’ aims and purpose.

  • Practical planning: what resources will you need to get the project started and keep it going (example people, money, accommodation, equipment etc).

Session 2 Keeping Track : Tuesday March 11th, 2025 

  • Setting SMART objectives

  • Keeping track of the money (basic budgeting)

  • Managing risks

Session 3 Making a difference: Tuesday March 18th ,2025

  •  What difference will the project make to those who take part (and how will it make that difference)?

  • How can you demonstrate and communicate that to funders and others who might be interested?

  • A beginners guide to inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact – evaluating your project without getting lost in the jargon!

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Islington's VCFSE Conference 2025

We are pleased to announce details of a half-day conference taking place on Thursday 13th March 2025 at the Great Hall, London Metropolitan University; the first of a series of 4 half-day events during 2025 to explore and create a plan of action that supports the sustainability of the sector during this critical time.

Voluntary Action Islington has brought together partners to work with us on this and includes: VAI’s VCFSE Advisory Group; London Metropolitan, Sheffield Hallam and Nottingham Trent Universities; and Islington Council.

Draft Agenda

  1. Launch of the Islington VCFSE Leaders Collaborative: 

  • A new collaborative aimed at community leaders within Islington’s VCFSE sector. We would like you to help shape and be part of key areas that are most important to you and others within the sector.

  • Hear about how you can be involved in developing a new strategy to improve the way we work with Islington Council (and vice versa) including a review and update of the Islington Compact – 

a partnership agreement between the VCFSE, Islington Council and partners.   

 2. Keynote Speaker & Workshop on defining and promoting our Impact and Social Value:  

  • Professor Chris Dayson, Professor of Voluntary Action, Health and Wellbeing in the Centre for Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. 

  • Dr Ellen Bennett, Senior Lecturer & Postgraduate Research Tutor, Sheffield Business School.

  • Dr Beth Patmore, Nottingham Trent University. 

  1. Introduction to Evidence Islington and how your organisation can benefit from this programme:

  • Hear more about Islington’s exciting 5-year programme to build research capacity amongst residents and the VCFSE and help shape future focus.

  • Opportunity to inform Evidence Islington about your data and evidence needs and what support your organisation would like through this programme 

    3. Investment in services delivered by the VCFSE:   

  • Table discussions on how we can work together more collaboratively to sustain and grow the level of investment in the VCFSE sector.  

    4. Next steps:  

  • We would like you to tell us what themes you would like to include on the agenda for the next 3 half-day events. 

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Negotiating and Managing Your Lease

The webinar will help you:

• Understand some of the legal jargon and demystify a lease.
• Understand the negotiation process and how to evaluate what is right for your organisation.
• Understand what the principles within a heads of terms document mean.
• Understand different types of agreement – lease vs licence.
• Recognise and understand how to manage common problem areas, such as rent reviews, break clauses.
• Understand the principles to be followed when reviewing or terminating your lease.

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Collaborative AI Futures - Using Tools Ethically

This session focuses on practical approaches to incorporate AI into everyday workflows. Perfect for freelancers, small teams, and social enterprises, participants will discover accessible AI tools that streamline operations—whether it’s drafting proposals, scheduling tasks, analyzing data, or researching markets. The emphasis is on integration and balance: how to gain efficiency without losing control or compromising values.

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Training for Micro and Small Organisations - Getting Started

Ever wondered how to transform your project or activity ideas into reality? Learn how to convince potential funders that your idea is not only feasible but will also make a significant positive impact on your members or service users.

Join our comprehensive training sessions that guide you through the essential aspects of project planning and development, including:

·        Setting clear aims and objectives

·        Demonstrating achievements and impact

Specially designed for micro and small organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000, this training involves:

·        Working in small groups

·        Planning and developing a project based on a provided case study

Commitment to the three-session series is essential to gain the full benefits:

    • Registration for all three sessions start at 10:00AM , Session Time 10:30 AM -13:30PM

    • Venue : Voluntary Action Islington 

Session 1 Getting Started : Tuesday , March 4th, 2025

  • Introduction to project planning and development.

  • Making the case for the project, showing why it is needed and how it meets the organisations’ aims and purpose.

  • Practical planning: what resources will you need to get the project started and keep it going (example people, money, accommodation, equipment etc).

Session 2 Keeping Track : Tuesday March 11th, 2025 

  • Setting SMART objectives

  • Keeping track of the money (basic budgeting)

  • Managing risks

Session 3 Making a difference: Tuesday March 18th ,2025

  •  What difference will the project make to those who take part (and how will it make that difference)?

  • How can you demonstrate and communicate that to funders and others who might be interested?

  • A beginners guide to inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact – evaluating your project without getting lost in the jargon!

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Drugs & Young People: Session 3

Session 3: Substances used by young people in Islington

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to keep up with the substances used by young people in Islington.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substance use and child criminal exploitation'

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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The Anti-Book Club

Have you always wanted to join a book club but don’t have time to read the books?

Or do you need inspiration for your reading list?

Or are you dying to talk about your latest read with fellow book folk?

Come on down to the Anti-Book Club!

At the Anti-Book Club, there is no designated book of the month. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a book they recently finished - regardless of whether they liked, loved, or loathed it - and tell the rest of us what this book does (or doesn’t do) for you.

We are open to all kinds of books - audio, electronic, old school. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a book, as long as it is book-adjacent. And you don’t have to bring the physical thing, just be willing to share something about it.

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Food Aid Providers Community of Practice

Join the Food Aid Providers Community of Practice, an opportunity to come together to discuss your provision, where there are successes and challenges, and learn from each other while thinking collectively about what a Food&More model would look like in Islington.

What is a CoP?

In all Communities of Practice (CoP) all members are seen as learners and teachers. A CoP provides an ideal environment for adults keen to learn and develop both personally and professionally, from one-another. CoP’s provide one of the best learning environments for adults who want to bring their life experiences to learning, who want to make connections between what they already know and the new things they are learning, want control over their learning experience, and what to apply their learning to their personal lives and/or work environment. 

Who is the CoP for? 

Anyone involved in managing, coordinating, running or volunteering in a facility offering emergency/crisis food aid. 

CoP Themes 

The Community of Practice will begin with two sessions focusing upon Purpose and Community Building, followed by sessions focusing upon producing a ‘Charter for Food+ Provision’ and by sharing effective practice, a ‘Food&More Standards of Practice Framework’ will be created. 


Thursday 3rd October, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 7th November, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 5th December, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 9th January 2025, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th February, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th March, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 3rd April, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 1st May, 14.00 - 15.30 

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Drug & Alcohol Awareness with Better Lives

This session aims to:

  • improve your knowledge of substances and their effects

  • increase awareness of what drug and alcohol treatment and recovery includes

  • share how Islington residents can access support for drug or alcohol use

  • empower you to talk about drug or alcohol use with Islington residents

  • challenge the stigma around drug and alcohol need so that people feel able to ask for support

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Drugs & Young People: Session 1

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to explore ways of communicating with young people about substance use.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover 'Substance use and child exploitation' and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Collaborative AI Futures - Using Tools Ethically

In the final session, participants will explore how AI can enhance the creative process. From generating story ideas and concept art to composing music or crafting marketing visuals, they’ll see how AI can serve as a spark for innovation. The session also addresses authenticity, ownership, and the balance between human input and machine suggestions—ensuring that creativity remains a human-centered endeavor.

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The Anti-Book Club

Have you always wanted to join a book club but don’t have time to read the books?

Or do you need inspiration for your reading list?

Or are you dying to talk about your latest read with fellow book folk?

Come on down to the Anti-Book Club!

At the Anti-Book Club, there is no designated book of the month. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a book they recently finished - regardless of whether they liked, loved, or loathed it - and tell the rest of us what this book does (or doesn’t do) for you.

We are open to all kinds of books - audio, electronic, old school. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a book, as long as it is book-adjacent. And you don’t have to bring the physical thing, just be willing to share something about it.

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Food Aid Providers Community of Practice

Join the Food Aid Providers Community of Practice, an opportunity to come together to discuss your provision, where there are successes and challenges, and learn from each other while thinking collectively about what a Food&More model would look like in Islington.

What is a CoP?

In all Communities of Practice (CoP) all members are seen as learners and teachers. A CoP provides an ideal environment for adults keen to learn and develop both personally and professionally, from one-another. CoP’s provide one of the best learning environments for adults who want to bring their life experiences to learning, who want to make connections between what they already know and the new things they are learning, want control over their learning experience, and what to apply their learning to their personal lives and/or work environment. 

Who is the CoP for? 

Anyone involved in managing, coordinating, running or volunteering in a facility offering emergency/crisis food aid. 

CoP Themes 

The Community of Practice will begin with two sessions focusing upon Purpose and Community Building, followed by sessions focusing upon producing a ‘Charter for Food+ Provision’ and by sharing effective practice, a ‘Food&More Standards of Practice Framework’ will be created. 


Thursday 3rd October, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 7th November, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 5th December, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 9th January 2025, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th February, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 6th March, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 3rd April, 14.00 - 15.30 

Thursday 1st May, 14.00 - 15.30 

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Drugs & Young People: Session 2

Session 2: Substance use and child criminal exploitation

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to learn more about the link between substance use and child criminal exploitation.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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The Anti-Book Club

Have you always wanted to join a book club but don’t have time to read the books?

Or do you need inspiration for your reading list?

Or are you dying to talk about your latest read with fellow book folk?

Come on down to the Anti-Book Club!

At the Anti-Book Club, there is no designated book of the month. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a book they recently finished - regardless of whether they liked, loved, or loathed it - and tell the rest of us what this book does (or doesn’t do) for you.

We are open to all kinds of books - audio, electronic, old school. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a book, as long as it is book-adjacent. And you don’t have to bring the physical thing, just be willing to share something about it.

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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Drugs & Young People: Session 3

Session 3: Substances used by young people in Islington

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to keep up with the substances used by young people in Islington.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substance use and child criminal exploitation'

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Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

  • Understand more about the risk of overdose and how to spot the signs

  • Cover what to do in the event of an overdose, or if you suspect an overdose

  • Learn about naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal medication, and when to use it

  • Learn and practice how to use naloxone

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The Anti-Book Club

Have you always wanted to join a book club but don’t have time to read the books?

Or do you need inspiration for your reading list?

Or are you dying to talk about your latest read with fellow book folk?

Come on down to the Anti-Book Club!

At the Anti-Book Club, there is no designated book of the month. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a book they recently finished - regardless of whether they liked, loved, or loathed it - and tell the rest of us what this book does (or doesn’t do) for you.

We are open to all kinds of books - audio, electronic, old school. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a book, as long as it is book-adjacent. And you don’t have to bring the physical thing, just be willing to share something about it.

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Drug & Alcohol Awareness with Better Lives

This session aims to:

  • improve your knowledge of substances and their effects

  • increase awareness of what drug and alcohol treatment and recovery includes

  • share how Islington residents can access support for drug or alcohol use

  • empower you to talk about drug or alcohol use with Islington residents

  • challenge the stigma around drug and alcohol need so that people feel able to ask for support

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Drugs & Young People: Session 1

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to explore ways of communicating with young people about substance use.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover 'Substance use and child exploitation' and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Drugs & Young People: Session 2

Session 2: Substance use and child criminal exploitation

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to learn more about the link between substance use and child criminal exploitation.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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Drugs & Young People: Session 3

Session 3: Substances used by young people in Islington

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to keep up with the substances used by young people in Islington.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substance use and child criminal exploitation'

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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Drugs & Young People: Session 1

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to explore ways of communicating with young people about substance use.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover 'Substance use and child exploitation' and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Drug & Alcohol Awareness with Better Lives

This session aims to:

  • improve your knowledge of substances and their effects

  • increase awareness of what drug and alcohol treatment and recovery includes

  • share how Islington residents can access support for drug or alcohol use

  • empower you to talk about drug or alcohol use with Islington residents

  • challenge the stigma around drug and alcohol need so that people feel able to ask for support

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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Drugs & Young People: Session 2

Session 2: Substance use and child criminal exploitation

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to learn more about the link between substance use and child criminal exploitation.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substances used by young people in Islington'

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Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

Overdose Awareness & Naloxone Training

  • Understand more about the risk of overdose and how to spot the signs

  • Cover what to do in the event of an overdose, or if you suspect an overdose

  • Learn about naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal medication, and when to use it

  • Learn and practice how to use naloxone

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Bereavement Awareness Training

These webinars are informative sessions that will help you to:

  • Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples.

  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve.

  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.

  • Improve knowledge of how to provide simple emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving.

  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving.

  • Build awareness of organisations that can provide emotional or practical support.

  • Develop confidence in talking about a difficult and sensitive topic.

  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

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Health & Wellbeing Walk

Escape the busy streets and join other locals for a regular monthly gentle stroll in a small, but lovely local park, surrounded by nature. Led by a knowledgeable guide from the Islington Ecology Centre, each walk offers something new and interesting to discover. The Islington Ecology Centre is set in an area rich in urban wildlife, including a variety of birds, insects, and plants. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy some peaceful time outdoors. Free tea and coffee to follow. The walk is dementia-friendly and open to all Islington adults.

No need to book, just turn up! If you have any questions, contact 020 7527 4374 / ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

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Drugs & Young People: Session 3

Session 3: Substances used by young people in Islington

Join Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service to keep up with the substances used by young people in Islington.

This is one of three sessions in the Drugs and Young People series - the other two sessions cover ‘Communicating with young people about drugs’ and 'Substance use and child criminal exploitation'

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Collaborative AI Futures - Using Tools Ethically

In this session, participants will gain a clear understanding of how to evaluate and implement AI tools ethically. It covers the fundamental principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency—providing a roadmap for selecting AI solutions that align with organisational values and enhance trust. Through case studies and interactive exercises, attendees will learn practical strategies to ensure their use of AI supports positive social outcomes.

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Mindfulness Course

Free 6-week Mindfulness Course - Saturdays 1:30pm - 3:45pm

Start the new year with our rejuvenating in-person mindfulness course. Learn and practice helpful mindfulness techniques in a supportive friendly group, to promote relaxation and wellbeing. Run by Katy from SLT.

6-week course 

Saturdays, 1:30pm - 3:45pm

Starts Saturday 18th Jan, ends Saturday 22nd Feb

Location: The Mildmay Community Centre, Newington Green, N16 8NA

Contact info@slt.org.uk to find out more and book your place now.

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Google Community Training Day

New year, new opportunities to network and learn! For our first Community Training Day of 2025, we will be focusing on marketing. 

Join us to hear from neighbouring organisations on their successful marketing journeys and how they secured some great partnerships and fundraising along the way.

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How to Read a Lease

The webinar will help you:

  • Understand the lease process and why it matters.

  • Work your way through a lease calmly, understanding with confidence the common words and phrases used.

  • Understand what a lease legally obliges your organisation to deliver and what your landlord is responsible for.

  • Evaluate the reasonable and unreasonable elements in a draft lease and how to negotiate to your advantage.    

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Engaging Gen Z in Volunteering and Social Impact

Date: Wednesday, 12th February 2025 

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM 

Location: Franklin Building, 124 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7DP 

We will be joined by an excellent panel of speakers: 

  • Dr Angela Ellis Paine, Lecturer in Voluntary Sector Management at the Centre for Charity Effectiveness, Bayes Business School 

  • Fin Wright, Head of Brand, Marketing and Communications at the 93% Club 

  • Pippy Stephenson, Volunteer Coordinator at the Imperial War Museums 

  • A young councillor from Islington Youth Council

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